Respect LIFE, please do not abandon your pet!
Imagine if one day, all pets stand up and say: "Enough! I am going back to my planet, so long human!"
How sad would it be for us? Same idea for those pets who have been abandoned by their owners for any reason.
Please consider carefully before deciding to have a pet.
Please double check the following points before you decide to have a pet:
1. Do you have time and space to accompany it and make it active? For example, the bigger the dog, the more space is needed, so you must take him to walk every day, regardless of wind and rain, overtime and illness. No matter what, you will not abandon it?
2. Do you have enough money? In addition to food, pets have many other expenses, such as toys, regular health checks, vaccinations, and veterinarians if they are sick. It can turn into a huge expense in anytime! No matter what, you will not abandon it?
3. In addition to play with it, you must also take care of it. You must bathe it, clean up the vomit, clean up its excrement every day, etc. It will become old, and you may not feel that it is so cute anymore. No matter what, you will not abandon it?
4. Please also check that your family agrees with you the same as above? If they don't agree, then they might force you to abandon it in the future! No matter what, you will not abandon it?
5. Can you have a pet in your living environment? Does the landlord agree? What about the neighbours? Will you need to move afterwards? If you move, can you still find a place suitable for pets? No matter what, you will not abandon it?
6. Will you get marry? Will your future partner agree with the above points? No matter what, you will not abandon it?
7. Do you have children? Is your pet suitable for children? Will there be an allergy problem? No matter what, you will not abandon it?
7. It may be just your pet, but you are it's entire world! Please love it, take care of it, and never abandon it!
Note: In order to appeal against the abandon of pets, Riceball volunteered to play the villain role in this post. Let's applaud for Riceball!
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