Little Doctor Cloudy/ 小芸醫師療癒貼圖

Little Doctor Cloudy/ 小芸醫師療癒貼圖
🐨🌸小芸醫師療癒貼圖上Apple store 和 LINE 囉!🌸🐨
歡迎使用這組可愛的療癒貼圖在您與朋友及家人的日常交流! 謝謝!
🐨🌸Little doctor Cloudy stickers pack is now on IOSApple store and LINE store!!🌸🐨
Lit­tle Cloudy is a cute and brave lit­tle girl who dreams to be­come a doc­tor when she grows up. She is cu­ri­ous and sen­si­tive to every­thing around her and she cares deeply about all peo­ple and an­i­mals in the en­tire world. Her favourite an­i­mal is Koala be­cause Koala hugs a lot! She wish­es every­one to be safe, be healthy and be brave, hugs hugs hugs!
Pls. en­joy these cute and sooth­ing stick­ers to ex­press your emo­tions in your every­day con­ver­sa­tions with friends and fam­i­ly! Have fun!

Apple store:

LINE store:


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